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e-oligos Long Oligos
Long Oligos upto 250 mer

E-oligos specializes in the synthesis of long oligos with complex base modifications and oligo types. This requires greater than 99.5% coupling efficiency. This can only be attained by using reagents of exacting specifications, optimized protocols and state-of-the-art instruments. Gene Link has perfected and maintains these standards.

  • DNA, RNA, Chimeric, 2'0 Methyl, Phosponate, Phosphorothioate, Antisense, shRNA, Taqman available
  • All modifications available. Click here for a complete list of Modifications.
  • Molecular Beacons, TaqMan Probes, Fluorescent Dye labeled oligos and probes
  • Antisense oligos, phosphorothioate oligos
  • New Customers buy one, get one free.
  • Long Oligos Scale of Synthesis and Typical Yield

      Gel Purified (PAGE - PolyAcrylamide Gel Electrophoresis)
    100-150 mer oligo
    Typical Yield
    151-180 mer oligo
    Typical Yield
    181-199 mer oligo
    Typical Yield
    200-250 mer oligo
    Typical Yield
    Scale A260 Units nmols A260 Units nmols A260 Units nmols A260 Units nmols
    1 umol ~5 ~5 ~4 ~2 ~2 ~1 NR NR
    2 umol ~9 ~9 ~7.2 ~3.6 ~3.6 ~1.8 ~1 ~0.5-1
    *NR = Not Recommended

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    July 27, 2024 e-oligos(tm) is a brand of Gene Link. e-oligos(tm) and the binary helix(tm) All graphic art is a trade mark of Gene Link, Inc. Copyright 2024
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